#char 2   white on blue

#char 2 white on blue  your one-stop ZZT news reviews and previews site
run by Blue Magus / Shigesato
smiley blue

by tucan

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large mass of crap.

The coming of the Zed-Omega group brought forth the ZZTer who goes by the name of tucan.  Known at that time as toucan, his games were but collections of the pointless humor that personified most ZZT games of the day.
      One of his most famous contributions to the ZZT scene has been the demo/collection, still an oft-used staple of ZZT gaming.  Burning Acid was the demo's name, and, besides offering teasers of "Stinky the Sock-Munching Ocelot," it promised an unsual game called p0p at some time in the future.

The came Kudzu.  This game's emphasis on atmosphere changed what ZZT games were about and set the stage for the release of the psychadelic p0p, a game that would have been received very differently in the era of Stinky the Sock-Munching Ocelot.
      p0p is Kudzu's rightful successor, a game just as bizzarre, but with a deeper meaning, if you look for it.  The player wanders through a trippy atmophere of mangos and strange otter-like creatures.  It is at once very much like Kudzu and unlike any other ZZT game ever made.  Or any game on any platform, for that matter.

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entrance hallway.